No 2. jūnija  2022. gada Latvijā sāk kursēt AS "Pasažieru vilciens" vilciena sastāvs un AS "CATA" autobusi, kurus rotā Vilhelma Purvīša gleznu iedvesmots dizains. Tas tapis projektā "Satiec Purvīti ceļā", ko, atzīmējot latviešu mākslinieka Vilhelma Purvīša 150. jubilejas gadu, īstenojusi Ogres novada pašvaldība sadarbībā ar Latvijas Mākslas akadēmiju. Īpašu vilciena griestu un ārējā vizuālā tēla noformējumu radītāja.
Starting from June 2, 2022, in Latvia, the train fleet of "Pasažieru vilciens" and buses operated by "CATA" have been adorned with designs inspired by the artwork of Vilhelm Purvītis. This initiative is part of the project "Encountering Purvītis on the Way," implemented by the Ogre Municipality in collaboration with the Latvian Academy of Arts, marking the 150th anniversary of the Latvian artist. The distinctive interior and exterior visual design of the train were created as part of this project.
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